CI/CD Pipeline With Github,Jenkins & kubernetes using Static & Dynamic cluster in Jenkins.
An amazing trio……

In this article we will create a complete CD(continuous delivery) & CI(continuous Integration ) pipeline through which as soon as developer push the code , it will directly launch in the production environment , without Human intervention with the help of SCM(source code management ) tool : GitHub, Continuous Integration tool: jenkins, Containerization tool : Docker & Container Orchestration tool: kubernetes .
Here we are also using the powerful concept of jenkins “Master-slave architecture” to run job in jenkins. Jenkins slave can be of two types:static or dynamic. In case of static slave , we have to create a node earlier before run any job , But dynamic slave or dynamic cluster launches as soon as requirement come ,run job inside cluster & terminate it ,if job complete.
1. Developer’s Job :
- Developer (take an example)write the Application code & Dockerfile :which create the image to launch the container to run the application, It will have all the necessary software to run the application.
- Here we are taking the example of web application so image should have httpd services started & It’s configuration and all required things so developer write the code accordingly.

- As soon as developer commit the code it pushes all the files automatically to the github because we are using post-commit hooks here.

- In GitHub we are using webhooks which will send the event or a response to jenkins [using ngrok for communicating with jenkins’s private IP] ,& thus jenkins will trigger ,for run the job-1 which are using github-hook triggers method as a Build Trigger Option.
2. Jenkins’s Jobs:
- The first job will be run on slave node [rhel-8-CLI node in my case ] , This job will build the Dockerfile which it pulls from github & push this image to the docker hub account.
- Understand , Here images is created after the job-1 is run , so all the files related to web application will be copy at the time of image build , so if there is any change in code the image will be change & web-application also which is accessible to our client.

- Before pushing image in docker hub ,not forget to set your credentials for docker-hub account.

- now If job-1 will be successfully run, then it will trigger the job-2 which will launch the dynamic slave using docker container.
- For launching the dynamic cluster we have to do following setting to create a cloud node in jenkins:
→ Here we need to access the docker-daemon remotely , so we need to enable the tcp socket & do the following settings, Take reference from here.

→ In docker client you need to export DOCKER_HOST variable.
→ we also need a image to launch a container , here because we will be launch our application inside the k8s cluster & we are launching dynamic cluster or slave so the image should consists following things
- sshd service running on port 22.[If using ssh method for starting slave agent in slave node]
- Jenkins user with password.
- java installed
- All the required application dependencies for the build. For example here for running k8s we need to install & configure kubectl inside image.

→ push this image to the your docker -hub account.
→ For launching docker container using jenkins job we need Docker plugins, go in Dashboard –> Manage Jenkins –> Manage Plugins. & install docker plugin from there.
→ Now configure cloud Node:

Note : This whole task of setting job-2 & cloud node should be done earlier before launching the job1.
- For job-2 we need to set label of dynamic cluster.

- Now the job-2 will be triggered by job-1,first of all It will launch the slave agent in dynamic slave node.

- Here we can see that in remote system docker container is launched.

- Now after agent launched it will run the job-2 commands given in execute shell, which will create a deployment using httpd image having our application code.

- This website is running inside the pod launched by deployment , It is so powerful because if pod is deleted by any reason , deployment will launch the new pod again , Now we easily can do rolling updates or roll out , scaling & load-balancing of pods.
- let’s take the scenario if developer change the code now , so in production environment it also have change without any down-time here roll-out come in role , look at this :
- code change so developer again commit -> push the code on github -> job-1 run -> create new image with new code -> job-2 run -> now the pods is already exist -> this time roll-out of deployment will be done, because we give this command using shell scripting in execute shell option.

done !! here we created a complete CD [continuous delivery ] pipeline.
Credit : I would like to thanks vimal daga sir, This was the one of the task given by him in DevOps Assembly Line Training.